Item Designation: T-09-97
Qliphoth Counter: NONE
Object Class: ZAYIN
Managerial Tips:
Description: T-09-97 or Old Faith and Promise, appears to be an ornate marble unit decorated with two carvings of salamanders, between both carvings is a glass orb. The salamanders are split into segments which makes them resemble a jigsaw puzzle. T-09-97 is suspended in the air by three ropes which in themselves seem to contain a spatial anomaly which makes them appear as though they pass through the roof of the Containment Unit. T-09-97 when in its non-active state is colored gray, when in its active state it will glow blue.
T-09-97 will enter its active state when it is presented with an E.G.O. weapon. Once activated it will absorb the E.G.O. weapon and begin to glow and swing from side to side. After an indescriminate amount it will glow gold and cease swinging, after which it will return the E.G.O. to the owner. Returned E.G.O. weapons will have a considerable boost in strength.
Addendum T-09-97-A: On 23/██/████ employee Max █████████ deposited their E.G.O. weapon and activated T-09-97. However, upon the completion of the activation phase, T-09-97 took on a jet black appearence which caused a great amount of distress in employee Max who had collapsed on the floor and began sobbing. Employee Max's E.G.O. weapon was not returned. All employees are advised to use caution when using T-09-97.